Tuesday, September 18, 2012


The UAPO is excited to announce a photography exhibit with Will Graham on October 4. Graham's photography captures the  exquisite beauty and riveting images of Uganda. The photography in this exhibit displays the essence of our partnership-the richness of the friendships, the depth of the people, and theimportance of the work. We invite you to join us for an evening of inspiration and dialogue with photographer Will Graham and The Ugandan American Partnership Organization (UAPO).

Dallas native Will Graham first discovered a passion for photographing the Ugandan people while on his first trip to Africa in 2007. Since then the camera has let him engage and create connections across many cultures. He strives to capture images that speak to similarities of our human spirit that far outshine the differences in our cultures. 

Sunday, December 2, 2007


yes, we can publish text. But what about pdf's?